Turn down the lights, crank up the music, and let's shower foster and adoptive parents with extravagant gifts!
NO WAY gifts are a tradition of the Replanted Conference. What began as a dream to bless foster and adoptive parents with just a taste of the extravagant love that God gives to us, has evolved into one of the most fun and unexpected experiences at the conference. Foster and adoptive parents give so much of their time and energy, and NO WAY gifts are a chance to give back and help them feel seen and loved. We take your gift and give them away by launching beach balls into the crowd. This is an amazingly fun tradition that means so much to our families.
Whether you have been invited to a NO WAY gift party or you simply want to get involved, here are the best ways to be a part of the NO WAY gift fun!
Here are fun gift ideas
Bring a Gift Card
Bring a gift card (or a few!) valued at $50 or more to the party!
Purchase a Gift From Our Amazon Wishlist
We've collected some ideas for gifts that would make a family say "NO WAY!"
Donate to our NO WAY! Gift Fund
Make a donation and we'll purchase the NO WAY gift for you!
Have a Unique Donation Idea?
Do you have a rental property or RV you'd be willing to donate to foster or adoptive families? Want to put together a gift basket or knit a blanket? Do you roast amazing life giving coffee? Own a business that builds massage chairs? Have a private plane to fly a family on a getaway? We'd love to hear your ideas, big or small. Email us!