Save the date | Replanted 2025 is October 23-25, 2025!

What are my options for hosting in a different timezone?

The simulcast is live and happening in Central Standard Time (CST). Here are our suggestions based on your timezone.

Eastern Time Zone (EST)

We recommend watching the simulcast live with us. Meaning your event would start at 10:30am EST on Friday, October 25, 2024. If you would like to alter your start and end times or create your own schedule, you will need to host a delayed viewing.

Central Time Zone (CST)

We recommend watching the simulcast live with us. Meaning your event would start at 9:30am CST on Friday, October 25, 2024. If you would like to alter your start and end times or create your own schedule, you will need to host a delayed viewing.

Mountain Time (MDT)

You can either watch the simulcast live with us, or choose your own start time that same day and press play. You can only choose a start time that is behind our current stream. For example, you can press play at 9:30am MDT which would be 1 hour behind our broadcast (which airs at 9:30am CST / 8:30am MDT). This would allow you to have a more ideal start time, while participating in the larger conference experience with the host site in Chicago. 

If you would like to alter your start and end times or create your own schedule, you will need to host a delayed viewing.

Pacific Time Zone (PST)

You can either watch the simulcast live with us (which may feel early since that is 7:30am PST), or choose your own start time that same day and press play. For example, you can press play at 9:30am PST which would be 2 hours behind our broadcast (which airs at 9:30 am CST / 7:30 PST). This would allow you to have a more ideal start time, while participating in the larger conference experience with the host site in Chicago. 

If you would like to alter your start and end times or create your own schedule, you will need to host a delayed viewing.

International Sites

Based on your timezone, you can choose to watch the conference live or offer a delayed viewing.